Saturday, May 22, 2010

Curious apples morph...

So last night I finally mustered the nerve to rent "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". You know, the three hour "curious case". I didn't start it til after 1am because I was working on KORU. I have to say that I've put off getting this movie also because I know several of the dancers in it and didn't want to get jealous watching them participate in the life I used to lead. Ok there I said it. Anyway, the movie started and I could not stop. I loved it. The story, the cinematography, the production design, Brad Pitt half naked looking like he did in "Thelma & Louise". My only criticism is that Benjamin didn't seem to be as young as he was supposed to be in the early years, so it was confusing some of the situations he would be in and not act more naive. But this did not keep me from loving the film. The three hours flew by and I didn't even doze off. Like I did tonight in "Robin Hood" which I almost walked out of. Anyway, "TCCoBB" touched me in a special way. I loved the final scene when he fully regresses. The story is amazing. Loved it.

This morning I went to meet a friend at Starbucks. I ordered my drink...Iced Venti Sweetened Green Tea and as I got it I noticed this handsome man, I know...shocker. He was sitting with his family. His wife and daughter were talking which didn't hold my attention so much but I couldn't help but notice his son playing with his fathers adams apple. The father had the most gentle smile on his face as if he was in future reflective thought of remembering that moment forever. It was so touching and real. I used to be in awe of my dads adams apple and wondered if I would ever have one. Well I do and I know that if I were that father today, I would remember the exact moment my son fiddled with it and how it made me feel, the unconditional love that can exist between a father and a son is a beautiful thing.

Later today I went out to Spelman College to witness the culmination of T. Lang's "Sweat Shop" summer intensive. There were about 8 dancers and they showed what they had been working for the whole week. These girls were amazing. T. Lang set an excerpt of the piece that she and Spelman Dance Theatre are taking to Lincoln Center in NYC, where they have been invited to perform next week, CONGRATULATIONS. In addition to that piece they ran through five others, one being full length at over five minutes and the others, more lengthened phrases. T. Lang's choreography is challenging, inspired, intricate, and something that she is now incorporating...gestural. I love seeing artists evolve and that is what T. Lang has done over the past year. The young dancers moved as though they had absorbed an alien energy and was using it as fuel to morph their bodies into different shapes with varying speeds and emotions. A great way to spend an afternoon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Everything at once... many things happening I don't have time to take a moment unless it's early or too late. I'm gonna grab a quick one right now. So the show is in full swing now so that means I'm choreographing, editing video, editing music, making more lists, doing program stuff, teaching, and trying to stay sane and serene. This past weekend was the Urban Couture Senior Collection fashion show in which myself and Elaina Whitehead created something for. I also did the costumes for my piece and by do I mean make. 7 shirts made, 100 mirrors glued, one headdress revamped but it was all worth it cause it rocked the house. I mixed contemporary dance with hip hop set to a track by Brooklyn String Quartet, an awesome young ensemble. Then Elaina did her part to a mix of Sam Sparro and T Pain. By the end of the 3.5 minute piece the crowd was screaming, they loved it. Yay, mission accomplished. The audience was sprinkled with local celebs including Suchita Vadlamani host of Fox 5 Good Day Atlanta, Bill Hallman local clothing guru, and Dwight Eubanks from Real Housewives of Atlanta. it was a fun and exciting night with dance and fashion by the senior designers of Grady High School. These young adults led by Vincent Martinez really have amazing talent. The designs were sophisticated, edgy, well thought out and absolutely wearable. Fabulous work.

Tonight at the studio there were three rehearsals going on at the same time. David, Barry and Rachel and I must say that the dances are looking good. Some still rough around the edges but nothing that some good thorough cleaning will not take care of. My Old School/Latin Jazz dance is finish cept for the very end and I really like it. My dancers are working hard and really showing up for the piece. I'm doing a duet also set on my muse Ashley Lewis and a newbie Travis Barron. I love the dance and it's quirky style of budding romance. It's visual, endearing, and choreographically interesting. Starting to formulate the opening video montage that is going to be the most challenging to date and I'm super excited about it. Finally purchase Final Cut but probably am going to use iMovie cause I don't have the time to experiment and learn.

I have to say that my life is full at the moment and for that I'm grateful. I just need to get my sleep a bit more consistent and all will be well.