Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Metamorphic dermis...

The blister that I have acquired under my right foot over the past week and a half finally dried and decided to peel off yesterday. The skin underneath is so soft, smooth, and tender. It is very sensitive to the touch yet not painful, the feeling is more like a raw effervescence. I realized today that that is how I feel sometimes. I am in a transitionary place in my life. I am excited, fearful, in wonder, enthusiastic, inspired, hopeful, and grateful. I feel I can see clearer...I don't necessarily mean see with my eyes cause anyone who knows me and who has seen how far I have to extend my arm to read knows better. I mean my spirits vision is more open. It's periphery is wider. My nerve endings more aware. Much like the fresh skin that was being kept moist within the liquid inside the dome of my blister, my senses have been awakened with the removal of the hard worn layer that had grown over them. This layer although protective in one way eventually became an irritant to the fresh layer underneath causing much pain to me. As with most healing processes something must be removed whether physical, emotional, or mental in order for the remaining part to survive and thrive. The peeling of the one layer and exposure of another demonstrates to me how life keeps morphing, growing, moving forward even if it is painful and comes in the form of a blister underneath my right foot.

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