Sunday, March 21, 2010

One heart, one celeb, lot's of laughs...

Two days of go go go. Yesterday started off with a bang litterally. Banging on drums that is. Had rehearsal for Drum Cafe Atlanta out at their home base in Scottsdale, GA and when I say out there I mean it. I get there late after taking an out of the way iMap route and find the dancers just arriving as well. Kisses all around and away we go into the drum barn and upstairs. At the top of the stairs is a door that opens into a wood covered room which will serve as our rehearsal space for the following three hours. I have to say it was one of the most efficient rehearsals I've ever had. Everyone was focused and we got alot done the end of the rehearsal I was ready to not hear a drum for a hot minute. I mean I love percussion and all but the space was a bit small for my rock n roll tainted ears. I think I have a bit of hearing damage from all those years of touring and dancing onstage with huge stacks of speakers blaring. Left the rehearsal and headed to get a bite to eat. Got back to my place around 5:30p and started doing stuff I needed to get done around the apt. It's been a month and a bit and I'm still not all the way moved in. Frustrating. Anyway, got some of it done and then headed downtown to meet Aris and visit some friends at The Pulse dance convention. I love it when dancer folks from my L.A. life come into town cause it's wonderful to be around their energy. So familiar and comforting. Mia Michaels, Brian Friedman, Cris Judd, Wade Robson, Gil (with the last name I've never been able to pronounce much less spell) and Tyce Diorio. I've known some of these guys for 20 years. Amazing talents, fun people, beautiful souls. It also makes me a bit off center when I leave them. Almost like leaving home in a way. I miss that creative energy. The showcase was nice and I have to say that Rhythm Dance Center and Project 7 did wonderfully. I also ran into my dance teacher from when I was about 16-17 Tracy Soloman and that was a trip. Her girls from Dothan School of Dance did a fantastic job as well.

Today I filled in for Jennifer (Happy Birthday) at work so had to be to the studio at 11:30a and stayed til three. Later in the day I got to see a couple rehearsals for the show and can tell KORU is going to be a good one. Whitney's piece, set to a cover of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" is interesting and has nice flow to it and Ray's piece, although just started, has a beautifully diverse group of dancers and within the first 4/8's I can tell it's going to say alot. Left work and headed toward Grant Park to see The D.A.I.R. Project perform "Barriers" but with a late start and murderous traffic, ended up aborting mission to turn around and go home. I had another invitation by Suchita to go to the Laughing Skull located in the Vortex Midtown to see Jennifer Coolidge who played Stifler's mom in "American Pie" do stand-up. She was hilarious. We went backstage after and got to meet her and talk a bit. She was so cool and gorgeous. AND funny. She said she's thinking about moving to Atlanta and I hope she does cause she'd be super fun to hang out with. Also there was Reggie Aqui whom I haven't seen in forever and it was nice to hug his neck and catch up a bit. After the show we headed over to Apre Diem for a bite. I had the most amazing pasta I've ever had. Penne Aru....I can't remember the name of it but it was incredible. Suchita, David and I hung out for a good 2.5 hours lounging on the couches and taking in the atmosphere. Apre Diem is really a nice place to relax. There was a fantastic DJ as well.

So now I'm home and ready to end this day. I wish there was more days in a weekend. Specially when I have things to do on the first two days it would be nice to have another just to rest. But, I am not complaining. I am grateful for the full life I have. I remember back some years in L.A. when I was like "what the hell am I gonna do today" I couldn't figure out how to fill 24 hours. Now I'd like 30 hours in a day...WELL... at least on weekends.

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